Tag: teamfp
With the upcoming launch of our Footpatrol Gasmask Incense Chamber, we sat down with Julien from Batch.Works who helped us create the first part of the puzzle for the chamber. Julien sat us down to talk us through the unique processes of 3D printing and the challenges that came with turning the iconic 2D Footpatrol Gasmask into a 3D object.

Footpatrol: Julien we are super excited to be here! How are you?
Julien: I’m great thank you! Super excited to finally launch this collab! But also pretty tired as it’s the busiest time of year for Batch.Works and we are opening a new fabrication hub in Amsterdam this month…
Footpatrol: What you guys do is something I must say I don’t know a lot about. Can we get a little insight into Batch.Works, yourself and what got you into creating such an individualistic fabrication process?
Julien: I was trained as an architect but I’ve always been passionate about making and fabrication processes. I’ve been fascinated about the possibilities of 3D printing for about a decade and I’m still amazed about the versatility and power of this technology.
I created Batch.works in 2018 with the mission to utilise 3D printing to enable a sustainable and speedy alternative to traditional product development and production.
We are also proud to be using exclusively 100% recycled material from our partner Reflow in Amsterdam.
Footpatrol: Were there any creatives that inspired you into following this path?
Julien: I’ve been inspired by many creatives along the way starting with Architects then followed by furniture designers. Bold Design, a french duo, was the first design studio I discovered to push the limit of 3D printing and make absolutely amazing pieces like the Hairy Vase. We are now working together on many projects and are part of the Batch.Works catalogue.
Footpatrol: In terms of concepting design ideas, how do you and the team go about that?
Julien: We have different approaches depending on the request but as we are a manufacturer, we have a strong focus on production and practicality on how we are going to make the end product so when a brief comes to us we quickly dive into design for manufacturing with the client.
Footpatrol: It must be such a great feeling seeing these designs come to life in the way that they do?
Julien: YES! That’s the beauty of 3D printing, bringing amazing pieces of digital product or art to life. Especially in this collab, starting from a 2D logo to a full model was very incredible.

Footpatrol: I know you guys have worked with all sorts of places from the Tate to WHSmith. Could you tell us a bit about what these projects entailed and how they came into fruition?
Julien: We’ve been involved with quite a few project recently! The Tate is part of the Tate edit selection, they have shortlisted a number of London based creatives to sell their project and we are really excited to be part of it!
With WHSmith, we recently received a grant from the Mayor of London to work closely with them to turn their waste into a collection of product which will be released early next year!
We also have other exciting project with BENE, a furniture brand and the opening of our Amsterdam Hub which will allow us to produce in the EU as Brexit has been a big hit for us.
Footpatrol: Of course we are here to talk about our project together! How has it been piecing it all together?
Julien: It has been a long but amazing journey, the project started over 2 years ago! The global pandemic gave time for the project to take shape and mature. In March/April 2019, Asheeba and John came to me with a brief to bring the Footpatrol logo into an incense chamber. As a 3D printing company, everything is possible! We quickly realised the complexity of bringing a 2D logo into 3D shape would be challenging. Thanks to the previous collaboration Footpatrol did with Duffy for the ring, it really helped us to make up the part of the logo that doesn’t exist. After many iterations and prototypes we finally managed to bring the perfect model to life.

Footpatrol: Is it your first time creating an incense chamber?
Julien: Definitely yes, this is not something that comes through the door very often! It’s also why we got very excited about this challenge and project.
Footpatrol: Were there any unexpected challenges in the design and manufacturing process?
Julien: The biggest challenge was to produce the pieces. It was actually meant to be 3D printed in ceramic but with Covid hitting globally this was not an option anymore. We managed to partner with two wonderful young graduated ceramicists from Stoke-on-trent, Yunji Shin and Nicole Waefler. Many established professionals would not work on this piece due to the complexity of the model but Nicole and Yunji took on the challenge and the result is astonishing…
Footpatrol: Julien we really appreciate you letting us come down to the studio to see the behind scenes of the brand. Before we let you go, is there anything you would like to share to the Footpatrol reader and followers?
Julien: Thank you for coming down! Great pleasure to have you here and finally release this product! We’ve just opened Batch.Space in East London, next to Broadway market above a bus depot. It’s a place where people can make and connect with other creatives across many disciplines. It’s also Batch.Works home so anyone is welcome to come for a tour!
Limited to 100 pieces, the Footpatrol Gasmask Incense Chamber will be launching in-store and online on Saturday 4th December priced at £100.

With the launch of the Saucony Shadow 6000 ‘Destination Unknown’ pack, we teamed up with a trio of local photographers who bring their own unique approach to this latest release.
At the heart of this latest pack are the dreamers who are constantly on the pursuit of discovering something new, finding new territories in the aid of producing individualistic, interesting work. With that in mind, we caught up with Tyler Little, Aaron Hettey and Alice Holland, three creative photographers at a London train station and provided them with a train ticket (Including a return of course). With each of them having a pair of the Saucony’s on foot and with their destination unknown, we sent them on their way. With bright colours to provide a pop against the muted tones, giving a traditional yet cosmopolitan utilitarian feel, they were challenged with documenting the local area and the culture trying to tell the story of each respected location.
Take a closer look at Alice who ended up visiting Southend.

Footpatrol: Let’s take it from the top and start off with about you to give the Footpatrol community a bit of insight into who you are?
Alice Holland: I am a student/photographer studying in London. I would say I’ve been photographing for about eight years and shooting on film for five.
FP: What got you into photography, I know that you have been doing it for quite a while but what was the catalyst?
AH: I remember the first roll of film I had ever shot, I didn’t really know how to load my camera and when I started shooting I had no clue how it was going to work out. I remember when I developed the images though and how I felt in the darkroom when I saw my film for the first time. I fell in love with the whole process and haven’t stopped since then.

FP: Could you give us a bit of insight into your shoot style? Do you have a preference when it comes to photography or are you fairly open dependent on the project?
AH: I think that whenever I photograph I will always try and have my style come across in the photographs. How I choose to shoot will depend on the size of the film that is in my camera, shooting with larger film I take more time with the images and framing which is definitely reflected in the shot.
FP: Let’s talk a bit about this project, how it was shooting in Southend. Did you find it easy to work around the area with your shoot style, was it easy enough to get into the flow of things once you started?
AH: I am actually working on a photo series at the moment where I am photographing English seaside towns…Southend being one of them I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my day.
FP: Alice, thank you again for being here with us and really appreciate you coming down. Before we let you go is there anything you would like to share to the Footpatrol readers and followers?
AH: If you are just starting to take photographs, remember “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst”.

With the launch of the Saucony Shadow 6000 ‘Destination Unknown’ pack, we teamed up with a trio of local photographers who bring their own unique approach to this latest release.
At the heart of this latest pack are the dreamers who are constantly on the pursuit of discovering something new, finding new territories in the aid of producing individualistic, interesting work. With that in mind, we caught up with Tyler Little, Aaron Hettey and Alice Holland, three creative photographers at a London train station and provided them with a train ticket (Including a return of course). With each of them having a pair of the Saucony’s on foot and with their destination unknown, we sent them on their way. With bright colours to provide a pop against the muted tones, giving a traditional yet cosmopolitan utilitarian feel, they were challenged with documenting the local area and the culture trying to tell the story of each respected location.
Take a closer look at Tyler who ended up visiting Cambridge.

Footpatrol: Tyler! Long-time no see, how are you?
Tyler Little: Yes yes been a minute. I’m doing well, taking a moment to enjoy life and cut out the noise whilst rediscovering my creative productivity after a few months in limbo.
FP: Let’s take it from the top and start off with about you to give the Footpatrol community a bit of insight into who you are?
TL: Of course. I’m Tyler Little, a multi-disciplinary creative originally from Devon but coming on 5 years in London now. My core skill set and passion is in photography however I never like to limit myself to one role and I’m constantly looking for new avenues to explore my creative vision, working as a stylist, graphic designer, art director and recently I’ve just ventured into directing and shooting music videos.
FP: What got you into photography, I know that you have been doing it for quite a while but what was the catalyst?
TL: I’ve always been creative and even before I picked up a camera, I knew I wanted to go into art. I genuinely don’t remember the moment I decided photography was going to be the main thing I pursued but I think what I have always loved about it is the industries I get to work in, the incredibly talented artists and people I get to meet and work with and just the ability to tell a story and create a world and feeling through my images.
FP: I know you have been shooting all sorts from editorials to music videos. Do you have a preference when it comes to that or are you fairly open dependent on the project?
TL: I don’t think I have a particular preference; I just enjoy finding new ways to tell a story. With that said I’m really excited to continue working on music videos as the potential of that medium is really captivating, I’ve got so many ideas that I can’t wait to be able to produce.
FP: Let’s talk a bit about this project, how it was shooting the architecture of Cambridge. I know it’s not your normal shoot style but was it easy enough to get into the flow of things once you started?
TL: So it was my first time going to Cambridge and I was genuinely surprised by how much of a distinct feel and aesthetic the town has. Everything felt super churchy from the names of streets and parks to the literal churches popping up round every other corner. Like you said I’m usually shooting models and very controlled, staged environments so this was definitely a new way of working for me but I really wanted to apply my style to this shoot which led me to bringing a speed lite along and experimenting with how I could make my images and the Cambridge city feel dark and cinematic. I had some doubts about how it would turn out as I’d never tried anything like this before but once I got going and started seeing how the images were coming out, I was really enjoying playing around and shooting in a way I normally wouldn’t, it’s definitely got me thinking how I can refine and develop this method in future shoots.

FP: Tyler thanks so much again for being here with us and really appreciate you coming down. Before we let you go is there anything you would like to share to the Footpatrol readers and followers?
TL: It’s honestly been a pleasure and a lovely day out from London, love to everyone at Footpatrol for the opportunity. I’m taking on a creative director role with underground south London artist Virgil Hawkins and collaborating with stylist Jack Ray. I’ll be guiding the aesthetics either from a creative consultant role when he works with other creatives or more hands on; producing the majority of video and photo work to compliment Virgil’s sound and create a clear aesthetic and world that his music can sit in. So, check in with Virgil and wait to see what we come up with, the entire sound him and his friends (Kibo, Jawnino, BRBKO, JPNTN and Chamber45 to name a few) are building right now is so unique and exciting, there’s honestly nobody in the UK doing it like them right now and I’m really excited for the planned roll out.

With the launch of the Saucony Shadow 6000 ‘Destination Unknown’ pack, we teamed up with a trio of local photographers who bring their own unique approach to this latest release.
At the heart of this latest pack are the dreamers who are constantly on the pursuit of discovering something new, finding new territories in the aid of producing individualistic, interesting work. With that in mind, we caught up with Tyler Little, Aaron Hettey and Alice Holland, three creative photographers at a London train station and provided them with a train ticket (Including a return of course). With each of them having a pair of the Saucony’s on foot and with their destination unknown, we sent them on their way. With bright colours to provide a pop against the muted tones, giving a traditional yet cosmopolitan utilitarian feel, they were challenged with documenting the local area and the culture trying to tell the story of each respected location.
Take a closer look at Aaron Hettey who ended up visiting Folkestone.

Footpatrol: Aaron it’s a pleasure as always to see you, how are you?
Aaron Hettey: I’m good thank you, hope you’ve been well.
FP: Let’s take it from the top and start off with about you to give the Footpatrol community a bit of insight into who you are?
AH: I’m Aaron Hettey. I’m a photographer, advertising creative and co-founder of @fusionnetworkuk, a live performance and networking platform designed to connect ambitious creatives.
FP: What got you into photography, I know that you have been doing it for quite a while but what was the catalyst?
AH: I’ve always had a passion for photography and creative culture, but I’d say 2018 was when HetteyImages was born. My friend @lekkyfromse was shooting on film and I loved his photos and what film brought to them. I soon picked up my own point and shoot and started taking it to events and just capturing the energy of the London scene and then things just progressed from there.
FP: I know you predominantly take portraits in your work. Do you have a preference in circumstances to shoot under, do you like to keep things more editorial, events or are you fairly open dependent on the project?
AH: I’d say it depends on the project, I started in events and I still love it to this day, particularly live music. The dynamism and chaos of the pits are a real experience!
But if I had to pick I’d lean more towards portraiture. I really enjoy what you’re able to do with portraits.
FP: Let’s talk a bit about this project, how was it trying to capture the story of Folkestone through its locals. I know it’s not your normal shoot style but was it easy enough to get into the flow of things once you started?
AH: I’ve not done much photography under those conditions before so there was a little bit of an adjustment period. There were a couple “no’s” throughout the day but the locals were always warm and hospitable. It was super interesting to observe the culture of treasure hunting that exists in the Folkestone and it’s beaches. I was very intrigued by the hobby and this formed the focus of some of my images. Who knows, I may head back there soon!

FP: Aaron, thanks so much again for being here with us and really appreciate you coming down. Before we let you go is there anything you would like to share to the Footpatrol readers and followers?
AH: Yeah, man. I’d like to thank you guys at Fp for the opportunity and yeah follow me @hetteyimages & @fusionnetworkuk

Over the years at Footpatrol. We have worked on a range of accessories, from keyrings, door keys, jewellery and even homeware pieces. Our interests outside of Footpatrol span far and wide which is what brings such diversity in our projects and collaborations.
To further broaden our horizons. Footpatrol have teamed up with 3D printing specialists, Batch.Works and fragrance experts, Earl of East to bring to you a Gasmask inspired Incense chamber and special Footpatrol incense to pair alongside it.
Earl of East was founded in 2014 as a shared passion project between Niko Dafkos and Paul Firmin. Since launch it has grown into a business built around a love for fragrance. What started as 3 candles soon developed into a whole range of lifestyle and beauty products.
To best showcase the work Earl of East produce, we partnered up to produce Footpatrol scented incense composed of a balanced blend of cedarwood & jasmine essential oils. The aim was not only to create a scent that helped alleviate stress, anxiety and heighten your mood turning your home into that happy place we all like to keep tucked away in our minds.
Based in East London, Batch.Works have been pushing the realm of 3D printing by turning it into forms that fit perfectly within households. Using the latest technology Batch.Works have focused their attention on being able to produce in an eco-friendly way ensuring the materials they use are recycled and responsibly sourced either from sugarcane starch or recycled packaging.
From turning our prestigious Gasmask logo into a 3D printed item, the team at Batch.Works worked closely with Nicole and Yunji, a duo of emerging ceramicist talent who worked meticulously by hand to create a limited run of ceramic Black incense chambers using the 3D printed model as the original mould.
Simply place a lit incense cone on the base within the chamber and watch as the smoke drifts out of the openings within the Gasmask chamber.
Limited to 100 pieces, the Footpatrol Gasmask Incense Chamber and Incense Cones (sold separately) will be launching in-store and online on Saturday 4th December (Available online from 08:00AM GMT), priced between £20 – £100.

Over the last year or two it’s become more and more essential for teams to be more than just a group of people. Earlier this year, members of Footpatrol and Your Friendly Running Club teamed up with ASICS to take part in their London 10km race that weaves its way through some of the most iconic streets of London. For 2021, we’ve once again been asked to take part in their latest running venture… they must like putting us through our paces!
The Ekiden is a 100 year old Japanese relay race with the name meaning, “relaying station”. Celebrating movement, the race was based, leading from the old capital of Kyoto to the new Tokyo. Using multiple team members, the Ekiden is essentially a long-distance relay race. A team event where teamwork is deep within the heart of the race. Each member passes on a traditional sash or tasuki to symbolise the next leg of the race.
With the difficulties of the last couple of years and people being apart from one another, ASICS have made this 2021 race virtual. An opportunity for you and your wider friends, family colleagues to come together as one to complete this challenge. It’s also been the perfect opportunity to find balance and focus within your mind. We’ve all heard people say running is great for the mind but after this, really, it is! Listening to your body (and a podcast/music), its a great way to see the outdoors, discover new things where ever you live and of course stay fit both mentally and physically.
Set at a marathon distance, this virtual race was made up of teams of six to complete different amounts of set distances in a particular order. A 5km, 5km, 10km, 5km, 10km and finishing with a 7.2km. This gave us at Footpatrol the opportunity to connect with one another and to push each other on to complete our individual goals. It also gave us an opportunity to push this idea of ‘team work’ and ‘virtual’ to the test with many of us not being in the same location. Bradley found himself visiting family in Spain, Sam was back home in Birmingham and Footpatrol Paris member Tancrede was at home in Paris whilst Jake, Sam and Henry were able to take part in London.
With each team member taking it in turns, once completed a notification would ping the next person instructing them they had been handing the Tasuki and it was now their turn.
As a team, we completed the 42.195km distance in 3:10:44, finishing in 328 out of 6047 teams worldwide.

When it comes to collaborations, adidas are often known for thinking outside the box and are often welcoming in new members to the Adidas family. The newest of those is Midwest Kids. Founded by designer, Darryl Brown, the former Kanye West stylist creates collections that are made to be timeless. Not just for the now, but for future generations to come. All the collections to date have been built on inspiration that has come from all the people he’s met across the States and learning about each individuals stories.
Now teaming up with the German giants, adidas have Midwest Kids loose on a collection thats inspired by vintage B-Ball. With apparel serving as part of the collection, the main feature within the collaboration has to be the Forum ’84 Low. Combining an archival design with the timeless vision of Midwest Kids, the Forum ’84 Low brings a vintage college feel with the help of hairy suedes and the Forums chunky gum sole taking dominance.
Bringing a customisable aspect to the collection, adding to that timeless ethos, the Forums iconic ankle straps come in a mix of colours ready to be swapped out at any point.
The Midwest Kids x adidas Originals collection is now available to shop in-store and online (Apparel online only), click here to shop!

At Footpatrol we’ve always liked to put the products we sell to the test so when Salomon’s latest collections come around, its a great opportunity to head away from the concrete jungle. The last 18 months or so have brought a really appreciation for whats on our doorstep and the beautiful wilderness thats on offer. With the arrival of Salomon’s latest fall collection hitting the shelves at Footpatrol, some of the team ventured out into the vast openness of the Dartmoor National Park with the French outdoor performance brand on foot!
With a tight offering of Salomon available at Footpatrol, we took our latest range of Salomon FW XT-4, XT-6 and the brand new Raidwind with us to test on the vast, open landscape. This gave us an opportunity to see just how comfortable and adapting they can be to what’s thrown at them. This was very quickly tested from the beginning with a 5km walk across loose gravel to where we planned on pitching up our tent and calling home for the night. All three of the options hugged the ground underneath them with a sense of security whilst their TPU mesh upper offered both breathability and stability.
Situating ourselves next to Foggintor Quarry, the landscape quickly became rocky, challenging and slippery underfoot however, with all of them featuring a rugged outsole there wasn’t any moments of worry… after all, this is what Salomon are known for! After testing the product over the course of a couple of days, we felt we got a real glimpse into the possibilities of what this brand has to offer and their values.
Take a closer look below at TEAMFP’s journey below and make sure to check out our range of Salomon available online!
Shop the latest Salomon collection here!

Following on from the launch of its predecessors, we continue our story with the House of St.Barnabas. For the release of the 990VS3, we showcased the silhouette on HOSB porter John Smallshaw.
Over the years the 990 has stood the ultimate test of time and changes in trend, whilst maintaining its permanent place within the sneaker market. The House of St.Barnabas follows that same journey. Having had the building erected in the 1700s. The building has hardly changed but simply modified within its interior, similarly to the way the 990 has been updated to keep it current and fresh to its community members.
We caught up with John to find out more about his journey and how the House of St Barnabas as helped him.
The New Balance 990 v3 will be launching in-store and online on Friday 5th November, sizes range from UK6 – UK12, priced at £200.

Footpatrol: Could you tell us in a bit more depth what your role is within the House?
John Smallshaw: My role in the house… Well, I’m employed by them as a kitchen porter and have been here for around 10 years now. Have I progressed? Well, I have had the opportunity to become a chef, but I am quite happy doing what I do as there are other aspects that I get involved in. Like creative writing as part of the group we have upstairs, poetry nights; I need my free time. So, this is what I do: I wash dishes and keep the kitchen clean. I am getting older now and things are slowing down. My wife says I’m not, but that’s my wife! I love being here, I love the house (House of St. Barnabas). I think the house has made the biggest impact in my life, changed my life and it saved my life. If I ever owed them anything they have never said that. I always felt I owed them that of course, otherwise I would have been pushing up daisies if it wasn’t for the house and the people associated with it. It’s a family and being away from my own, which I have been for a long time. This was a family that became my family. That’s not just the people that work here now, but all the people that worked here. Like Charles Dickens! You can almost feel him coming out of the walls, there is a magic that seeps into your bones. I am not the only person that says that.
FP: How did your journey begin with HOSB?
John Smallshaw: Well, I left home when I was 15, a runaway. I come from a long line or long lines in the north of England. Bread lines, labour exchange office lines. I went to work on the docks in Newhaven as a 15-year-old as a casual stevedore for £5 a day, which doesn’t sound much but my weekly rent was £5 a week for bed, breakfast, and an evening meal. I then gravitated over to London and very soon got involved in the drug scene which was and still is unfortunately still rife in London. From pills, heroin, crack cocaine, anything in MIMs that would give me a high. I always used to carry a copy of MIMs in my pocket to find out what would do what. I watched people I knew die off. I was really lucky not to do the same.
About 12 years ago, one of the last guys from the time period I’m talking about got terminal cancer. We were both junkies, it didn’t stop us from taking drugs still. I sat with him in his house and his daughter would come round and his grandchildren, his wife had sadly passed. One day I looked at him and I was quite jealous as he was on morphine. This was the life of a drug addict. I just looked at him and thought you’re going to die, and it was a purely selfish thing because that’s how drug addicts can be, selfish people. I went out that night back to my hostel and I never went back. I had a lovely flat in this hostel, warm heating and £16 a week subsidised by the council. I locked myself in my room for about 3 or 4 weeks, coming out every time I got a gyro to get some of the brown to make me feel normal for the day. Then one day, I went down to where I used to buy the stuff and the supermarket at the bottom of the road was selling sugar puffs 3 for £1 and I loved them! When I came out, I realised I didn’t have enough money for the gear and that was when I ended it.
I climbed the walls for about 2 years, saw a councillor at my local doctors and gave him all my grief for years which was really lucky for me. I then did a 2-day course at Crisis, then a goal setting course for 2 days and came away quite deflated. The lady who was the mentor on the course came to see me at the hostel and asked if I would like to go to St. Barnabas. My first thoughts were ‘Ugh Religion’. I have always had a bit of down on that. To keep the job centre of my back though I thought why not give it a go. I came down and didn’t realise it was an interview, I thought they were just looking for people to fill places. I knew the building but at the time never knew what it was. When I came on this course and after about 2 days my eyes opened and I still don’t know what it was that did that. I just got the whole thing. I was 55 years old, thick as a brick or as 2 short planks as we say up north. I just began to throw myself at anything they offered.
FP: We heard that you are also a bit of spoken word talent. Do you think you could give us a short few lines relating to the House off the top of your head?
Yes, about 12,000 and counting! There is one though. I am actually currently in a play, so if you’re reading or watching this back at base. The Blue Elephant Theatre, 5th, and 6th of November. It’s a fairly cheap and good play, written by Brian Beaton who is a chap in the house. This piece comes at the end of the play. It’s about time and how we deal with time as are many of my pieces and it’s called, ‘The Constant Clock’.
The Constant Clock, by John Smallshaw.
“You can hear the tick and the tock. Can you feel them as they mock when you turn and face the face of the ever present clock.
That look of shock that’s in your eye, should not come as a surprise for, we all know that time lies with the dog that carries fleas.
If it pleases you to think that ticking time is but the link then, please yourself away.
But time is night and time is day, it’s the rock that man has built, a man’s upset when time is split and it trickles down the drain.
Time, and time again as we take time by the hand and we wander off alone into times eternal land. To the shore line at the hourglass that trickles out the sand to the ever present beat of the time. In which we meet the waters lapping at our feet. Where the tide of time will greet us as if we, an unborn fetus had no idea that times against us as we try to build a fence against the past and present tense.
But time is stone and it wears away the bone and eats at all the parts. And time still the beat of hearts and the tears of time will tell if this is heaven or this is hell. When at the ending of the day, the bells ring out to say. Time gentlemen please! We shall get down on our knees and plead for one last chance. Just one more loving glance at the time we left behind. I am resigned to that.“
FP: If there was one thing you would say to people to help further encourage their support what would it be?
JS: As I said recently you’d have crossed the road to get away from me because I was a lost cause. I was heading for the end. There is always a turn around and really you see it yourself, you try to ignore it but just turn around and look in a different direction. There are lots of people out here to help but you do have to ask. Nobody is a mind reader.

Behind the scenes we have had the opportunity to work with multiple creatives across a wide variety of disciplines. Styling is one area though that isn’t as widely spoken about… You know about them, but you don’t really hear much.
We wanted to meet up with london based Jack Ray to give a little more insight into what it takes to work within the industry. From music videos to marketing campaigns. Jack has had his little tastes of it all.
For the launch of the Mizuno Wave Rider 10 we wanted to work with Jack to show us a bit of a behind the scene look of what he would normally get up to. We linked up at Jacks Sons of Craft studio to make some magic and give people a little more insight into the world of a stylist.
Click here to shop the Mizuno Wave Rider 10!

Footpatrol: Jack it’s great to sit down and chat to you! How have you been?
I’ve been good thanks mate, how have you been?
FP: Not bad thank you! We have had the pleasure of working with you a fair few times now and have gotten to know you fairly well. For those Footpatrol followers who may not have had the pleasure of being introduced, could you give them a bit of backstory as to who you are and what you do?
So, my name is Jack Ferguson-Ray and I am a stylist, designer and creative consultant and currently based in east London.
FP: Let’s start from the very beginning. Bath born and bred, moved to London and now establishing yourself as a stylist. What was the kick starter into this journey, was this something you have always planned on getting into?
No definitely wasn’t something I planned on getting into. Initially I wanted to work in skiing. I’m not sure what career that would have led to but I just wanted to ski. I did that for a bit whilst in Canada. Then for one reason or another which I won’t get into now, I found myself back in the UK. From there I moved to London not really knowing what to do and soon after found myself working at Harvey Nichols, believe it or not that was my entrance into working within the fashion industry hahaha. I later went to a small boutique store in old street station called Ejder [which unfortunately isn’t around anymore] doing the styling, which was my first real taste of the role. I have done a plethora of other jobs; dabbled in wholesale for A Cold Wall, opened a store for a Japanese company and all sorts of freelance bits really.
At the moment I have been working on a company called Sons of Craft founded by two friends of mine. Sons of Craft is a collective which has outlets within a number of creative mediums like art, fashion, music etc… My role is very much fashion based though. I am also a design intern at Oswald Boateng and I am currently working on a brand with a friend. We are hoping to launch our first capsule in the coming months.
FP: Was there anyone that helped influence you to want to be a stylist?
Jack Ray: To be honest with you, not really. There are obviously people whose style has influenced and inspired me and I’m sure there are stylists behind them. But before getting into fashion I didn’t really know that styling was a job, let alone a viable career path. I probably still wouldn’t even call myself a stylist as this is only the start of my career. I am a long way off from fully establishing myself yet.
FP: How has it been trying to make your mark in what you do? It’s not an easy industry to get into.
JR: To be honest I don’t think I’ve really made all that much of a mark yet to talk about! Check in a couple more years and I will let you know though! From what I have been a part of though, So far, so good. It’s had its moments!

FP: How did you stay on top of what you do?
JR: That is a great question!
FP: Thanks!
JR: Write stuff down and don’t put things off. A lot of the time, it doesn’t feel like I am on top of everything I need to do. It’s just a case of being as proactive as you can as well as being as organised as possible. I feel that’s one thing I didn’t really think about when getting into a creative career. You don’t really think of the oragnisational side of it and how on top of it you need to be. So it’s definitely been a learning curve.
FP: Having worked with brands, retailers, music artists recently styling a few music videos. Is there a specific type outlet that you try to dedicate your focus on or is it something you try to be diverse in?
JR: At the moment, aesthetically I think I am finding my niche. In terms of how I want to apply it I am open to anything, it’s still early doors………………………….. other than e-comm.
FP: And is there a list of dos or don’ts on a shoot?
JR: Depends on who you’re shooting with. Aside from the obvious, don’t cuss anyone out haha! Be proactive and don’t be afraid to try things out and ask questions. Make sure you know your role, there will be times you may only get to steam and pin things. If that’s the case, respect that and make the best of it. There will be other points where you have more creative control and it’s about being able to identify those opportunities and make the most from it.
Be nice to people, it costs nothing and at the end of the day it’s about making organic connections with people. Try to have a nice time…
FP: What about projects you’ve worked on. Any that have stuck with you as the most memorable?
JR: Of course I love working with Footpatrol! Salomon, Kiko Asics to name a few. I am sure there will be many more! Styling Brent Faiyaz was also great. I have been able to also work with some amazing people, particularly photographers; Alma Rosa, Marlon Francis, Tyler Little and of course Tom from Footpatrol. All definitely worth a watch if you’re not already.
FP: Let’s take a little side step now. I wanted to talk to you about Mizuno and the model we brought you in to shoot, the Wave Rider 10 OG. What are your thoughts on the shoe and the moves the brand has been making within the lifestyle market over the last 3 years?
JR: If I am completely honest. 3 years ago I didn’t know Mizuno at all. BUT! Over the last couple of years with some of the silhouettes they have been releasing, they have caught my eye. The Wave Rider 10 being one of them. I love the all grey pair! The Wave Prophecy is my favourite shoe from the brand though, it looks so hard! I think that shoe is mad slept on and I have no idea why. Also the Mizuno Right Here Right Now [RHRN] is one of your favourite shoes from them, I don’t have them yet but I will.
For a performance brand to come into a new market the way they have and be accepted across both footwear and fashion with such intrigue is a nice change from the general hype.
Put it this way. I would pick a pair of Mizunos over a pair of Nikes anyday.
FP: Jack it has been a real pleasure to talk to you. Before we let you go we want to ask if there was any exciting project or anything happening in 2021 that you want to give the FP followers and readers the inside scoop on or just get people excited for?
JR: There’s not a lot I can shed all that much light on at this precise moment, but there’s irons in the fire. We have some really exciting projects coming out with Sons of Craft. Also some music videos as well which should be exciting! As I mentioned earlier, I am working on a brand with a partner and the first collection should hopefully be launching in the not too distant future.