Saucony ‘Destination Unknown’ Pack with Tyler Little

30.11.21 General

With the launch of the Saucony Shadow 6000 ‘Destination Unknown’ pack, we teamed up with a trio of local photographers who bring their own unique approach to this latest release. 

At the heart of this latest pack are the dreamers who are constantly on the pursuit of discovering something new, finding new territories in the aid of producing individualistic, interesting work. With that in mind, we caught up with Tyler Little, Aaron Hettey and Alice Holland, three creative photographers at a London train station and provided them with a train ticket (Including a return of course). With each of them having a pair of the Saucony’s on foot and with their destination unknown, we sent them on their way. With bright colours to provide a pop against the muted tones, giving a traditional yet cosmopolitan utilitarian feel, they were challenged with documenting the local area and the culture trying to tell the story of each respected location.

Take a closer look at Tyler who ended up visiting Cambridge.

Footpatrol: Tyler! Long-time no see, how are you?

Tyler Little: Yes yes been a minute. I’m doing well, taking a moment to enjoy life and cut out the noise whilst rediscovering my creative productivity after a few months in limbo.

FP: Let’s take it from the top and start off with about you to give the Footpatrol community a bit of insight into who you are?

TL: Of course. I’m Tyler Little, a multi-disciplinary creative originally from Devon but coming on 5 years in London now. My core skill set and passion is in photography however I never like to limit myself to one role and I’m constantly looking for new avenues to explore my creative vision, working as a stylist, graphic designer, art director and recently I’ve just ventured into directing and shooting music videos.

FP: What got you into photography, I know that you have been doing it for quite a while but what was the catalyst?

TL: I’ve always been creative and even before I picked up a camera, I knew I wanted to go into art. I genuinely don’t remember the moment I decided photography was going to be the main thing I pursued but I think what I have always loved about it is the industries I get to work in, the incredibly talented artists and people I get to meet and work with and just the ability to tell a story and create a world and feeling through my images.

FP: I know you have been shooting all sorts from editorials to music videos. Do you have a preference when it comes to that or are you fairly open dependent on the project?

TL: I don’t think I have a particular preference; I just enjoy finding new ways to tell a story. With that said I’m really excited to continue working on music videos as the potential of that medium is really captivating, I’ve got so many ideas that I can’t wait to be able to produce.

FP: Let’s talk a bit about this project, how it was shooting the architecture of Cambridge. I know it’s not your normal shoot style but was it easy enough to get into the flow of things once you started?

TL: So it was my first time going to Cambridge and I was genuinely surprised by how much of a distinct feel and aesthetic the town has. Everything felt super churchy from the names of streets and parks to the literal churches popping up round every other corner. Like you said I’m usually shooting models and very controlled, staged environments so this was definitely a new way of working for me but I really wanted to apply my style to this shoot which led me to bringing a speed lite along and experimenting with how I could make my images and the Cambridge city feel dark and cinematic. I had some doubts about how it would turn out as I’d never tried anything like this before but once I got going and started seeing how the images were coming out, I was really enjoying playing around and shooting in a way I normally wouldn’t, it’s definitely got me thinking how I can refine and develop this method in future shoots.

FP: Tyler thanks so much again for being here with us and really appreciate you coming down. Before we let you go is there anything you would like to share to the Footpatrol readers and followers?

TL: It’s honestly been a pleasure and a lovely day out from London, love to everyone at Footpatrol for the opportunity. I’m taking on a creative director role with underground south London artist Virgil Hawkins and collaborating with stylist Jack Ray. I’ll be guiding the aesthetics either from a creative consultant role when he works with other creatives or more hands on; producing the majority of video and photo work to compliment Virgil’s sound and create a clear aesthetic and world that his music can sit in. So, check in with Virgil and wait to see what we come up with, the entire sound him and his friends (Kibo, Jawnino, BRBKO, JPNTN and Chamber45 to name a few) are building right now is so unique and exciting, there’s honestly nobody in the UK doing it like them right now and I’m really excited for the planned roll out.

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