Jason Forde & ASICS UB3-S GEL NIMBUS 9 for Footpatrol

26.05.22 General

When it comes to ASICS, ASICS is a brand that lives and breathes movement. With ASICS meaning ‘Anima Sana In Corpore Sano’ (Latin for ‘Sound Mind in a Sound Body’, ASICS always find positivity in movement and is something they are always pushing as a brand.

With the latest conception from Kiko Kostadinov’s studio now here, we took the UB3-S Gel Nimbus 9 out on to the streets of London with the helping hand of flatland bmx rider, Jason Forde. This latest creation brings together both outdoor exploration with a heritage running feel and with a nature inspired colour palette running across the board, we bring these mixing of worlds together in fluid motion.

Take a closer look below where we catch up with Jason Forde and go for a spin.

Shop the ASICS US3-S GEL NIMBUS online here.

Footpatrol: Hi Jay, Hope you’re well, before we get into it, can you tell us a little about yourself?

Jason Forde: Hi my full name is Jason Forde I’m 45 years young and I’ve been riding flatland bmx seriously for 25 years. It started off as a hobby but now its a lifestyle. I compete in the pro category.

FP: What was it about flatland specifically that hooked you?

JF: It was The freedom of expression, You can do what you want, just free your mind and explore your way around the bike, I’m also a bit of a showoff and it’s something I can perform anytime anywhere, the flatter the better.

FP: “Anima Sana In Corpore Sano” (a healthy mind in a healthy body) is the acronym for ASICS, id imagine both play a pivotal role in your sport? Can you tell us how you discipline yourself on these principles.

JF: Well I make sure to ride as much as possible as well as doing other sports. Before I ride i take a mental note of things I must try, Flatland requires alot of repetition “wax on wax off” I ride every day if I can, 1hr minimum or 6 to 8hrs on a good day but its good to let the body recover.
Flatland is like a martial arts to me, Ying yang it’s good for mind body and soul.

FP: We noticed you recently had some air time on TV, is flatland something you see emerging? Where would you like to see the sport go?

JF: It needs to recognised as sport its slowly getting there, I’ve appeared in more than one Hollywood movie, opened major events etc. I was running a flatland bmx school before covid struck, I also ran my own events company (1WMBMX) and performed in some iconic venues, the V&A being one of them, I would like to see more of the same but on a larger scale. I will continue to play my part and bring focus to the future success of flatland bmx. We deserve to be seen and respected.

FP: You also have your own bike parts correct? Can you tell us about that venture?

JF: Flatland bmx requires specific parts especially when you get to a professional level, every angle and millimeter can change the way a bike feels, I’ve encountered problems when sourcing the correct products for myself so I decided to use my knowledge as a rider and cycle mechanic to create my own products. So far I have created pegs Uk GRIP and now a freestyle stem I call the THR33.

FP: Thank you for being a part of this project with ourselves and ASICS, we would like to invite you to give any shoutouts or any words of wisdom for those who may be on the fence about flatland or any sport that requires the ASICS mentality.

JF: I would like to thank Asics/Footpatrol for giving me the opportunity to showcase my sport/artform and my words. Strive to be the best, nothing is out of reach if your hearts in it, don’t be afraid to ask for help, take chances and be original. If everyone is doing it then it’s probably easy. Big shout out to Mark Ward and Johann chan for all the support over the years on many different projects.

And to all my riders, KEEP THAT WHEEL UP.

You can find me TT @jayflatldn
Instagram @jay_flatldn for shows and demos @1wmbmx
Products @ukgrip and @thethreestem

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