Louis Culture | Footpatrol x PUMA Suede

23.11.20 Frequent Players

Producing for many people is one of the hardest skills to be able to pick up when it comes to music. It takes time and a determined mindset to be able to do it, but to be able to produce and create your own music is something Louis Culture has been doing it since the days when you could get simple beat making in software in cereal boxes!

At 22 years old, Louis has been able to build himself a career through his eclectic mix of genre crossing music with his London based collective Elevation Meditation.

Ahead of our collaboration with Puma we sat with Louis just after his Suede Music performance to find out more about his rapidly growing career. 

Footpatrol: Louis Culture welcome! Great to have you here, how has life been treating you?

Louis Culture: Aside from the madness presented life has been good – I think coming into the second lockdown I’m more prepared and organised but also equally excited about the new music on the way too. 

FP: We brought you down here to of course be a part of our Puma Suede collaboration and be a part of our live music session which went down a treat! How did you feel it went?

LC: It was a nice afternoon still. Was nice to see Tertia and Kadeem too as we’ve known each other for awhile but it’s been a minute since I’ve seen them  

FP: Let’s get straight into your backstory, where did this passion and love for music begin?

LC: It’s kind of always been this way. Growing up with Mum playing music , borrowing my cousins CDs too and just soaking in anything and everything I heard and saw. 

FP: What about your musical influences, did you have many growing up?

LC: Yeah – I was deffo a sponge to most of my surroundings and have a merge of influences. 2003 as a year musically means a lot.

FP: You’re also a part of musical collective Elevation Meditation with other artists like P-rallel and Lord Apex, how did that come about?

LC: I knew P since we was about 12/13 years old , met Apex at like 16 , P went school with Finn and Finn went school with Xav.

So we’ve very much grown up with each other and gone from sharing food and splitting what we would make on the door at shows to doing brand deals and headlining shit.

FP: Any article I have read about you always talks about your versatility as a rapper. Was this something you always approached this way or did this diverse style happen on its own?

LC: I don’t really like the term rapper to be honest , or at least as a summary of what I do. In the same vein of some of my favourite black artists , I just feel I reflect an existence that is broad , and includes many genres , tones and aesthetics that are both parts of my identity. So that instead of hip hop alone which can at times feel like a ceiling or an assigned outlet for black expression.

FP: We spoke briefly before your performance about how you were into poetry. Where did that love stem from and do you think that helped build your foundations for your career?

LC: Year 5 I think it was . Just practicing that and feeling like I had something to say. As well as being a hip hop head. I’d download instrumentals but was simultaneously learning how to make my own beats.

FP: One of the things I have been listening to over lockdown is your EP Smile Soundsystem which you dropped back in May. How important has it been for you to keep your creativity flowing during these difficult times?

LC: It’s been key. I think this has provided the opportunity to really observe and sharpen my skill set. So having the time to just record on everything and solely focus on that.

FP: Now these difficult times have been one of which many people have been trying to pick up new tips and tricks. For any of those younger/newer creatives making their first tracks at home do you have any advice for them?

LC: I think just don’t give up. You have to push yourself into both a comfortable and uncomfortable space. Of knowing what you’re doing but letting there be an unknowing element whilst challenging yourself.

And also don’t compare yourself, we’re all in our own worlds.

FP: With your collective (once things have resolved themselves in the world) would you guys give back to the community in a way that encourages younger/newer artists to keep practicing their craft?

LC: 100% . Community and belonging means a lot to us individually so that’s deffo on the table.

FP: Louis thank you again for spending some time with us and also being a part of the live performances! Before we let you go is there anything you’d like to say or share with the Frequent Players and Footpatrol listeners/readers?

LC: Stay safe and sound

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